Vomiting: Causes,1 Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention


Mouth = vomit = emesis = to vomit = to throw up = vomitous = vomit = emetic. It is often an uncomfortable and distressing experience, but vomiting itself is not a disease; rather, a symptom of a potential underlying illness. It can be anything from a mild, self-limited episode to a potentially serious medical … Read more

Weakness: A Catalyst for Growth and Self-Awareness


Weakness is often couched in negative terms. It brings to mind notions of failure, an image of helplessness, uncapability. But actually, delicate transparency near weakness is one of the best ways to grow a person, resilience and self-knowledge. Instead of being thought of as a flaw to be hidden or conquered, vulnerabilities can become a … Read more

Nausea: Causes, 1 Symptoms, and Management


Nausea is an unpleasant stomach sensation that is often accompanied by a desire to vomit. Sickness is not a disease per se but it can be associated with many different less to more serious conditions. Sickness in itself is unnerving, making it difficult to cause daily activities and, if chronic,may require you to seek medical … Read more

1 Ice The Wonders and Science


Ice, the simplest of all solids, and a remarkable form of frozen water, is an essential ingredient in the making of life on earth. From glaciated landscapes to the cubes that clink in your summer drink, ice has scientific, cultural and ecological importance. It might seem like a run-of-the-mill subject, but striding in closer, there’s ice’s … Read more